TOUCH Portal Update - Portal demos will resume later in 2024 - Click for more details

for fabricators

Proof of delivery software
to manage deliveries and orders easily

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Electronic Proof of Delivery (ePOD) software to track and manage your deliveries in real-time.

Collect the customers signature

Simple and intuitive interface

Easy delivery planning

How does Courier help your business?

Real time delivery management

Saves time and money, improves visibility and reduces paper processes

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Courier Features

The next generation of mobile delivery scanning from TOUCH features the following;

  • Scan frames, glass, ancillaries & extras off van to confirm delivery
  • Collect customer signature
  • Take images of delivered items – either full drop or each item
  • Mark items that haven't been delivered
  • Record notes against drops

Book a FREE Courier Demo

Click to arrange a time that suits you

How to buy Courier

The process could not be more simple. Once your costs have been approved we will grant you and your team access to Courier.

Courier can be cancelled at any time.

1 Contact your BM Group Sales Rep

2 Courier Demo

3 Quotation

4 Costs added to BM Group Monthly Payments

5 Go Live

View a Courier demo

If you are interested book a call from our sales team who can offer a full Courier Demo.

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