TOUCH Portal Update - Portal demos will resume later in 2024 - Click for more details

Branded Mode for installers

Branded Mode is a lite version of your associated fabricators designer.

Buy Branded Mode

A simplified interface and fewer options, allowing homeowners to design and generate an enquiry directly with you.

'Lite' easy to use interface

Fully branded to your company

Quote and Order Management

Be Online in Minutes

Easy Setup

As a business we understand the problems you face

The Problem

In a packed market place generating enquiries online can be difficult.

How Branded Mode solves this issue

Branded Mode helps you standout from the crowd, add it to your website or on social media. Its a great promotional tool helping customers to interact with you.

The Problem

A customer may have had any number of quotes from competitors in your area.

How Branded Mode solves this issue

Use Branded Mode to wow customers with high quality, accurate product imagery and stunning quotation paperwork. They can even see how there products will look with Virtual Home Visualiser.

The Problem

We all know how expensive and how quickly brochures can become obsolete and don’t mention lugging them from home to home.

How Branded Mode solves this issue

Branded Mode is always accurate and up to date and easy to demo on any tablet or laptop.

The Problem

In a world where everyone is in a rush, its difficult keeping peoples attention or getting them what they need instantly.

How Branded Mode solves this issue

Branded Mode is instantly accessible via your website and is automated to allow people to play, designs and make enquiries at their leisure.

How does Branded Mode help your business?

Boosts your retail presence

Improve your online presence by keeping customers on your website longer, improving interactivity, utilize and highlight your Branded Mode to improve your marketing.

You can receive more accurate enquiries

Any enquiries you receive via Branded Mode will built using the same rule base from your Fabricators ordering system this eliminates errors and means homeowners cant make an enquiry for something that can be manufactured.

You dont need to buy your own system

Bespoke lead generation software can cost around £6,000+, creating accurate data and rules around the product options is costly and time consuming. We have done all the work for you, Branded Mode is a low cost solution with a huge amount of benefits.

There's no need for a salesman

Branded sits on your website 24/7, meaning while you are busy with other important areas of your business you can still be generating enquiries. Branded Mode is a cost effective member of your team.

You can use it in your showroom

Improve the interactivity within your showroom and display your designer on a tablet or interactive screen. Its a powerful marketing tool and can allow customers to design their perfect product without having to trawl through an outdated brochure.

Removes the need to re-input orders

Any enquiry that you generate via Branded Mode can be pushed directly to your Fabricators Portal to be converted into a quote. From their you can tweak options and add a price without the need to re-create your customers enquiry.

Branded Mode
Powered by Your Fabricator

Your Fabricator must use TOUCH Portal

Professional Paperwork

Stunning Paperwork branded for you

Home Visualiser

Wow customers & increase sales

Unlike standard visualisers, TOUCH Visualiser allows homeowners to upload images of every façade of their property, from both inside and out.

Branded Mode with ONE MONTH FREE

Click to register for a price

Quote your Customer

Increase profit; Add prices to quotes

All enquiries will land in your Portal account with your associated fabricator. Simply convert it to a quote and add the price you want to sell it for.

Connected to TOUCH Portal

Convert enquiries into orders

Once you have sent your priced up quote to your customer you can then convert it to a complete order. This order will then be placed with your fabricator.

Branded Mode with ONE MONTH FREE

Click to register for a price

How to buy Branded Mode

The process could not be more simple. Once your direct debit has been setup, you can be live on your own website in just minutes.

Remember Branded Mode comes with one free month and can be cancelled at any time.

1 Login to your Fabricators Portal

2 Click TOUCH Store button

3 Register for the Store

4 Setup your direct debit - No charge 1st month

5 Setup with contact details & logo

6 Go Live on your website

Buy Branded Mode today

Click below to visit your Fabricator's Portal. Once logged in click the TOUCH store button and follow the instructions.